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Pharmaceutical Ingredients

Pharmaceutical Ingredients

Innovative pharmaceutical ingredients for pharmaceutical synthesis and formulation

Pharmaceutical Ingredients

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CAVAMAX W6 FOOD is α-cyclodextrin with molecular weight of 973.This grade is used as a nutraceutical active to bind lipids coming from the diet and therefore reduce the calorie uptake, resulting in a weight loss.
HTEssence® Hydroxytyrosol Powder FOOD

QA2_HTEssence® is Tyrosinase inhibitor, vasoconstriction, melanocyte inhibition works as a antioxidant for cardiovascular health/skin lightening.

CAVACURMIN® Curcumin Complex

CAVACURMIN® is highly bioavailable curcumin, easily dispersible in aqueous systems, Curcumin Gamma Cyclodextrin Complex, Anti oxidant which helps for enhancement in absorption of fat soluble nutrient, application in Cardiovascular health, anti-aging, energy supply.
CAVAQ10® CoQ10 Complex

[QA]2_CAVAQ10® is highly bioavailable CoQ10, Enhancement in absorption of fat soluble nutrient appiication in Cardiovascular health, anti-aging, energy supply.

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