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Confectionery & Bakery

Confectionery & Bakery

Confectionery & Bakery

We have found 26 items.

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Bio-Fermentation (3) Ingredients produced by fermentation with microbes, enzymes, mushroom

Fair Trade (1)

Meat & Dairy Alternative (1) Which enables reduction or substitution of animal-based ingredients in Processed Meats and Dairy-like products

Natural & Ethically Sourced (2) The product/ingredient is obtained with responsibility, in ethical and sustainable ways. This means that products are ensured to have little or no significant negative impact on the society, human and the environment. Certified Organic, MSC or others.

Resource & Energy Optimization (1) Ingredients produced using less energy and resources and/or enabling the same in formulations.

Bio-Fermentation (3) Ingredients produced by fermentation with microbes, enzymes, mushroom

Fair Trade (1)

Meat & Dairy Alternative (1) Which enables reduction or substitution of animal-based ingredients in Processed Meats and Dairy-like products

Natural & Ethically Sourced (2) The product/ingredient is obtained with responsibility, in ethical and sustainable ways. This means that products are ensured to have little or no significant negative impact on the society, human and the environment. Certified Organic, MSC or others.

Resource & Energy Optimization (1) Ingredients produced using less energy and resources and/or enabling the same in formulations.

Sustainable Food Waste Reducti... (1) Ingredients which enable extension of shelf life and are based on natural origin or enzymes

Upcycled (1) Produced from by-products (i.e. fruit seeds, peels, leaves, etc)

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NUTRILAC BK 9250 is a highly functional milk protein with excellent emulsifying and structure building properties to act as efficient egg replacers in cake systems.

NUTRILAC BK-7900 is a highly functional milk protein ingredient with nearly 79% protein, suitable for egg white and whole egg replacement in cake systems. Also giving strength to the cake structure and reduces crumbliness.

NUTRILAC BK-7676 is a highly functional milk protein ingredient to efficiently replace egg white and whole egg in cake systems by giving stability and strength to the cake batter and cake structure respectively.
PrOatein® Oat Protein

PrOatein® Oat Protein is a globally-unique, natural protein concentrate, extracted from Swedish non-GMO wholegrain oats. It can be added to many applications to achieve claims such as “source of” or “high-in” protein. It is vegetarian and vegan-friendly, suitable for dairy-free and soy-free diets.
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