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Hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) is a polymer that belongs to the group of the water soluble cellulose ethers. HPC SSL -SFP (Micronized HPC) has a Molecular weight GPC Method 40.000, viscosity mPa・s @ 20° C/2% aq 2.0-2.9 and particle size Super Fine Powder (330 mesh) ~D50: 20µm . HPC SSL SFP is highly compressible and is the best choice for Direct Compression, Dry granulation, covert wet granulation to direct compression and as a binder for Orally disintegrated tablets (ODT).

XANTURAL® 180 gum is a soluble fiber, used to stabalizes suspensions of a variety of insoluble materials. Designed to meet the specific needs of the pharmaceutical industry.
L-Glutamic Acid / H-Glu-Oh

Amino acids are the building blocks that form polypeptides and ultimately proteins. In addition, amino acids are utilized for the growth and maintenance of cells.
L-Malic Acid

L-Malic acid is used as a component of insect tissue culture. It is also useful as an acidulant in soft drinks, jams, fruit and vegetable juices.
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