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Hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) is a polymer that belongs to the group of the water soluble cellulose ethers. HPC SSL -SFP (Micronized HPC) has a Molecular weight GPC Method 40.000, viscosity mPa・s @ 20° C/2% aq 2.0-2.9 and particle size Super Fine Powder (330 mesh) ~D50: 20µm . HPC SSL SFP is highly compressible and is the best choice for Direct Compression, Dry granulation, covert wet granulation to direct compression and as a binder for Orally disintegrated tablets (ODT).
LPR 100

LPR 100 (Lorama Polysaccaride Resin 100) is a product that allows for the introduction of water into oil-based paint formulations reducing cost and lowering material VOC content without affecting the performance characteristics of the coating.
LPR 221

LPR 221 is the next generation of Polysaccharide Resin Technology.

INKRES 33 POLYSACCHARIDE RESIN is a zero VOC resin with a multitude of functions. The film forming properties of INKRES 33 POLYSACCHARIDE RESIN allow for total replacement of solution acrylics and simultaneously offer improvements in colour saturation and vibrancy with C, M, Y colours and dramatic improvements in depth of black and jetness with K.
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