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REFINED KAPPA CARRAGEENAN (KB 120 S) is obtained from Eucheuma Cottonii, a class of Red Seaweed. REFINED KAPPA CARRAGEENAN (KB 120 S) is a food grade carrageenan and acts as natural thickener, binder and stabilizer. REFINED KAPPA CARRAGEENAN (KB 120 S) is highly sensitive to potassium ion enhancing its gelling properties. REFINED KAPPA CARRAGEENAN (KB 120 S) is stable in neutral or alkali medium and insoluble in organic solvents.
Cedarex Amber

A light brown and viscous liquid produced by enzyme assisted hot water extraction of malted barley, followed by filtration and concentration under vacuum evaporation.

Pea Protein is made from 100% non-GMO Canadian peas through natural biochemical separation method.It provides high nutrtion and functionality. No cholersterol and have certain amount of amino acid.
Ingredients that foster sustainable development by aiding in climate change mitigation or adaptation, promoting water conservation, supporting a circular economy, preventing pollution, safeguarding biodiversity, or advancing a more ethical and socially just economy.

CEAMLACTA 2380 is a carrageenan-based product, standardized to obtain a uniform performance. Carrageenan is a natural hydrocolloid extracted from red seaweed of the Rhodophyceae class. CEAMLACTA 91-183 is specially developed for dairy and water applications.
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