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MIRAGEL 463 is an Instant Starch adds quick-thickening and gel setting benefits to your formulations...


POLYGUM CAROB PRO-TN is obtained from the ground germ from the seeds of Ceratonia siliqua. POLYGUM CAROB PRO-TN has a naturally high proportion of vegetable protein. Proteins from carob germ flour have similar properties to gluten (elasticity and viscosity). Polygum Carob Pro-TN can therefore be used in gluten- or wheat-free products as a partial substitute for gluten-free flour.

MILLED POTATO FLAKE is a Peeled, Washed, Sliced, Cooked and Mixed with additives dried potato flakes that have been roller dried and are suitable for food products. Preparing from selected potatoes under sanitary conditions, food-grade, and GMO-free.

POTATO GRANULES is a Washed, Sliced, Cooked and dried potato granules that has been roller dried and suitable for food products. Prepared from selected potatoes under sanitary conditions, food-grade, and GMO-free.
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