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Kosmetik & Perlengkapan mandi

Kosmetik & Perlengkapan mandi

Kosmetik & Perlengkapan mandi

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QS CONTROL AC is a research approach to quorum sensing can have the beneficial target of suppressing the virulence of bacteria. Made with Korean Pine tree fermented by lactobacillus Sakei, Korean Red Pine. Improves skin from inflammatory reaction and damage by acne. Controls the inflammatory acne by disrupting the bacterial Cell-to-Cell Communication (Quorum Sensing) in P. Acnes.

MITOCLL REJUVENATE helps with mitochondria which plays a key role in the aging process of skin. Aging mainly accompanies the mitochondrial dysfunction and ROS Increase.

BIOMIMETIC FLUID TEARS + mimics the functions and components of tears. Biomimetic Fluid Tears+ was developed to alleviate the negative effects of harmful environments and lifestyle elements and assist with preventative skin care. Helps creating healthy skin by forming a smooth barrier which reinforces the supply of nutrients to the epidermis as well as its moisturizing ability.

DERMAPEP ZN (Saccharomyces/Zinc Ferment) is the fermentation product of Saccharomyces in the presence of Zinc Ions. Zinc induces metallothionein, an essential cellular antioxidant, which is a part of the cell's natural defense system. Helps detoxify and make the skin healthy. Zinc helps renew cells (Cell-Turnover), which helps give cleaner and more vibrant skin. Also plays an important role in wound healing.
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