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POLYETHERAMINE MA 2200 is a difunctional primary amine. Its mainchain is consisted of repeating oxypropylene units. Average molecular weight = 2000 g/mol.

POLYETHERAMINE MA 223 is a difunctional primary amine. Its mainchain is consisted of repeating oxypropylene units. Average molecular weight = 230 g/mol.
Luna- EEP

Luna-EEP is a white transparent liquid. Luna-EEP is a slow evaporation ether-ester urethane grade solvent with excellent activity for a wide range of coating formulations. Its linear structure and the propionyl group in the center of the molecule give this material an outstanding solvent performance as high solvent activity, slow evaporation rates, exceptional flow and leveling, as well as a high electrical resistance.

VYLON 103 is a high molecular weight copolyester with medium Tg. VYLON 103 has very good adhesion properties on PVC, PET and other plastics. VYLON 103 is compliant with FDA 175.105 and EC 10/2011.
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