CAPCOLORS ORANGE 408 715888 WSS is a natural beta-carotene, obtained by fermentation by strains of the fungus Blakeslea trispora. CapColors® Orange 408 WSS is water soluble suspension, on the dietary status certified for Halal and kosher. Suitable for vegetarian. CapColors® Orange 408 WSS can be used as an orange colourant for food application.
COLORFRUIT MAGENTA 115 WSP is an Italian processed food colourant, it appears as a violet red liquid, produced by extraction and subsequent pasteurization of violet carrots (Daucus Carota L.). COLORFRUIT MAGENTA 115 WSP is the new user-friendly liquid format provides an increased stability towards light, heat treatment, and ambient storage. COLORFRUIT MAGENTA 115 WSP is GMO free, allergen free, kosher and it has no off-flavour.
CAPCOLORS ORANGE 408 715888 WSS is a natural beta-carotene, obtained by fermentation by strains of the fungus Blakeslea trispora. CapColors® Orange 408 WSS is water soluble suspension, on the dietary status certified for Halal and kosher. Suitable for vegetarian. CapColors® Orange 408 WSS can be used as an orange colourant for food application.
COLORFRUIT MAGENTA 115 WSP is an Italian processed food colourant, it appears as a violet red liquid, produced by extraction and subsequent pasteurization of violet carrots (Daucus Carota L.). COLORFRUIT MAGENTA 115 WSP is the new user-friendly liquid format provides an increased stability towards light, heat treatment, and ambient storage. COLORFRUIT MAGENTA 115 WSP is GMO free, allergen free, kosher and it has no off-flavour.