WELLS PLASTICS BACTIGLAS AM 92740 BACTIGLAS AM 92740 is an antimicrobial additive for powder coatings, resins and termosetting applications. 특수화학소재 세부정보 보기 견적 요청 샘플 요청
WELLS PLASTICS BACTIGLAS AM 92180 BACTIGLAS AM 92180 is an antimicrobial additive for injection moulded parts, PE coloured or opaque films of thickness greater or equal to 50 micron. 특수화학소재 세부정보 보기 견적 요청 샘플 요청
WELLS PLASTICS BACTIGLAS AM 96428 BACTIGLAS AM 96428 is an antimicrobial additive for PE transparent films or film layers of thickness greater of equal to 5 microns. 특수화학소재 세부정보 보기 견적 요청 샘플 요청
WELLS PLASTICS BACTIGLAS AM 93562 BACTIGLAS AM 93562 ia an antimicrobial additive for PP nonwoven fibres. 특수화학소재 세부정보 보기 견적 요청 샘플 요청