FIBRULINE™, chicory inulin, is a soluble dietary fiber extract from chicory roots by natural process. FIBRULINE™ is a naturally-sourced food ingredient. FIBRULINE™ S30 is a fine granulated white powder, offering a high solubility with a neutral impact on the viscosity of most food applications. Belonging to the fructan group, inulin is non-digestible oligosaccharide built up of fructose units with beta 2-1 bonds, mostly ending by a glucose unit.
FIBRULINE™, chicory inulin, is a soluble dietary fiber extract from chicory roots by natural process. FIBRULINE™ is a naturally-sourced food ingredient. FIBRULINE™ Instant is an easy to disperse fine granulated white powder, giving mouthfeel to a wide range of food applications. Belonging to the fructan group, inulin is a non-digestible oligosaccahride built up on fructose units with beta2-1 bonds, mostly ending by a glucose unit.