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식음료 소재

식음료 소재

Innovative ingredients for the food and beverage industry

식음료 소재

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Ingredients that foster sustainable development by aiding in climate change mitigation or adaptation, promoting water conservation, supporting a circular economy, preventing pollution, safeguarding biodiversity, or advancing a more ethical and socially just economy.

CEAMFIBRE 7000 is a dietary fbre ingredient produced from high quality citrus peel,is specially developed for meat applicatons.
Ingredients that foster sustainable development by aiding in climate change mitigation or adaptation, promoting water conservation, supporting a circular economy, preventing pollution, safeguarding biodiversity, or advancing a more ethical and socially just economy.

CEAMFIBRE 90-472 F is a dietary fbre ingredient produced from high quality citrus peel in combinaton with hydrocolloids, is specially developed for bakery products.
Ingredients that foster sustainable development by aiding in climate change mitigation or adaptation, promoting water conservation, supporting a circular economy, preventing pollution, safeguarding biodiversity, or advancing a more ethical and socially just economy.

This is to test the sustainable FBI claim new changes for creating products using SFDC for testing purposes. Thanks.

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