Minasolve Green B shows a broad spectrum anti-microbial activity that ensures complete protection of water-based cosmetics against microbial degradation. It is optimized for maximum availability of its ingredients within the aqueous phase of cosmetic products.
HYDRIOL PGCH.4 is a liquid, non-ionic surfactant based on linear polyglycerol and fatty acids. Functions as additives, thickeners, moisturizers, solubilizer, O/W emulsifiers, PEG-Free, hot or cold process. HLB = 16
GSO-DOURO VALLEY GRAPE SEED OIL LIGHT Douro valley grape seed oil is a high purity, low colored vitis vinifera seed oil,obtains through cold extraction and without any solvent to keep all benefits of the oil. It is rich in palmitic, stearic, oleic and linole.ic acid. It has been traditionally used as a wound healer and anti-inflammatory. Is used in cosmetics because its natural antioxidant properties.