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Kosmetik & Perlengkapan mandi

Kosmetik & Perlengkapan mandi

Kosmetik & Perlengkapan mandi

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PLASCIZE L-2200 is a newly developed nonionic acrylic polymer by GOO CHEMICAL. This particular model features moderate adhesion even in its dried state, hence the re-styling ability. In comparison to our existing model of Plascize L-222, L-2200 has a higher filming ability that helps to gather hair strings better when styling. For that L-2200 has a really good balance of stickiness and dryness, it does not get overly heavy on the hair, but retains a good amount of adhesion for an easier and more pleasant re-styling experience.

PLASCIZE L-222 and L-301 are acrylic oligomers , very low molecular weight. They are clear yellowish viscous alcoholic solution and don’t form film , Oily liquid polymers even after dried (100% solid). Difference between PLASCIZE L-222 and L-301 is the solubility in water , L-222 has hydrophilic and L-301 has hydrophobic.

PLASCIZE L-2700K forms soft film, suitable for re-styling hair products without plasticizers

PLASCIZE L-301 are acrylic oligomers , very low molecular weight. They are clear yellowish viscous alcoholic solution and don’t form film , Oily liquid polymers even after dried (100% solid). Difference between PLASCIZE L-222 and L-301 is the solubility in water , L-222 has hydrophilic and L-301 has hydrophobic.
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