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Kosmetik & Perlengkapan mandi

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Colour pastes of PLASCIZE L-53 BLACK F, PLASCIZE L-53 BROWN EU and PLASCIZE L-53 UMBER EU are pre-blended colour pastes that were designed for temporary hair colour sprays. With their flexible and adhesive films, sprays made out of these products would stay in hair well even under the humid environment and brings out the colours well. In addition, these products can be easily washed off with any kinds of soap or shampoo with warm water. The general characteristics of all three products are as followed.

PLASCIZE L-53DCU is an acrylic resin developed by GOO Chemical and designed especially for hair coloring usage. PLASCIZE L-53DCU is a clear dark yellowish viscous alcoholic solution. The film of PLASCIZE L-53DCU is less hygroscopic and always keeps hair in non-tacky state even in humid atomospheres.Furthermore, since the film is more flexible and adhesive than being used hair coloring resin, we assure that you can prepare the most useful hair coloring which has better the tone of a color on the hair and feeling properties. Moreover PLASCIZE L-53DCU has good compatibility with pigment or carbon-black. The film of PLASCIZE L-53DCU can be easily removed by ordinary soap or shampoo with warm water.

Colour pastes of PLASCIZE L-53 BLACK F, PLASCIZE L-53 BROWN EU and PLASCIZE L-53 UMBER EU are pre-blended colour pastes that were designed for temporary hair colour sprays. With their flexible and adhesive films, sprays made out of these products would stay in hair well even under the humid environment and brings out the colours well. In addition, these products can be easily washed off with any kinds of soap or shampoo with warm water. The general characteristics of all three products are as followed.
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