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Boissons et produits laitiers

Boissons et produits laitiers

Boissons et produits laitiers

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SISTERNA SP50 is suitable for human consumption (E473). Sisterna offers a wide range of products which includes SISTERNA SP50. SISTERNA SP50 belongs to sucrose esters category. Fatty acids: palmitate/stearate with Non-ionic emulsifier, HLB-value aprox.11.

SISTERNA SP30 belongs to sucrose esters category. Fatty acids: palmitate/stearate. General benefits: High grade emulsifiers, wide HLB spectrum, neutral in taste, odour and colour, soluble in (cold) water, stable under UHT conditions, natural, renewable raw materials with Non-ionic emulsifier, HLB-value aprox.6.

KELTROL V is an 80 - mesh food-grade xanthan gum suitable for use in Vegan food preparations.

KELTROL ADVANCED PERFORMANCE XANTHAN GUM provides superior functionality in an 80-mesh format and is suitable for use in food preparations, including Vegan food preparations.
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