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FROMASE® 750 XLG is a highly purified, extra thermolabile coagulant for cheese which is preservative free derived from.

MAXILACT® A4 is an acid lactase (ß-galactosidase) derived from Aspergillus niger for the manufacturing of lactose reduced whey and whey permeate.

HAZYME® DCL is an easy to use enzyme preparation of α-amylase and amyloglucosidase derived from Aspergillus niger for starch hydrolysis in apple and pear processing which can prevent haze formation.

FILTRASE® SPRINT is a balanced proportion of beta-glucanase derived from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens in combination with thermo stable fungal xylanase derived from T.emersonii and selectively produced by Aspergillus niger which is used to reduce the viscosity and improve filterability of wort and beer.
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